The Reality Show that’s America’s New D-Day Normal

Marcello Rollando
4 min readJun 3, 2019
Mass Murder is Neither New Nor Normal

Our News Media insists we are in a, New Normal. To the degree we agree, we risk permanently casting ourselves as pawns of Corporatism’s political comrades.

What is normal and true: from our Revolution through Civil war, to 1944 D-Day, Vietnam and September 11, 2001, those preserving, protecting and defending Americans and our Constitution were more often found on foreign battlefields, than home with other priorities or bone-spurs.

Despite the sacrifices of a few for Justice for All, women remain second class citizens under male laws banning even their right to make, and live with, their own life choices.

And still we’re easily distracted by unnpresidential administration news cycle stealing, while the immediate emergency crises that is an America imprisoned by the trumped — increasingly disconnects us from reasonable thought, each other and the exceptional ideal of the American Dream — the greatest victims of which still, know not what they do.

Choosing, Free Will for life is an infinitely longer commitment to humanity than choosing birth, then walking away from the reality that America’s Middle Class is as underwater financially as Middle America is literally; and American dreams are swirling uncontrollably in tornadoes destroying much of what we’ve left of an earth suffering from our lack of stewardship.

So, can we as individuals accept that for whatever time remains for earth and all life upon it, we choose to passionately pursue a life of excellence together — in reparation for time lost, talent unused and good not done?

Mass murder is neither new nor normal, whether seventy-five years ago, or in lower Manhattan, Virginia Beach, Charleston South Carolina, the Pulse or Parkland Florida — and there is nothing new, normal nor patriotic about the masses who are mesmerized by politicians, TV ads and talking heads rendering America vulnerable.

If George Will can say, making an ass out of you and me, the Senate remains in the hands of his Conservative friends, to heal our political culture, we need to replace our current president, shouldn’t all, Ask what you can do for your Country patriots align with, When They See Us, and admit, we’ve been bamboozled by an opportunistic right-wing populism reality show host — and confess, like torture at Guantanamo, Quantico’s Blackhole and railroaded Central Park Five, evidence American homage to China’s Tiananmen Square cover up.

As my Grandmama always said, the worst lie we tell are the lies we tell ourselves, and like her, Nancy Pelosi is a strong woman who, seeing the United States of America’s, Big Picture challenge coming soon to a mental state near you, speaks for a long view for our national life.

The thoughtless, self-serving and vulgar insult Mike Pence, Clarence Thomas, Bret Kavanaugh, Steven Mnuchin, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump are to, We the People, is confirmation of their being unsuitable American leaders. Nonetheless, the core responsibility of civilization demands we give the Devil’s tools the benefit of law — for this is the very foundation of America’s original intent.

Donald Trump was never a hard-charging, get-things-done CEO! Like all Reality TV, The Apprentice was pretend — a bully, wrapped in a secret inheritance, inside a bigot. To cure America’s Donald Trump infection, we must not follow his example, but being our own, defeat his malice aforethought, from the inside out.

We must psych out the craven psychopaths. We must take away from Donald Trump what he cannot live without.

Trump’s lifeblood is screeching worshipers, chanting applauders, news cycle dominance, daily headlines, talking heads after talking heads bespeaking his nothingness as Lo and Behold: Men in arms snapping to his attention, women offering breasts and Bibles for his autographed adornment, palms strewed at his feet — total Sieg Heil adoration!

Deny him this and he will shrivel, like Dracula exposed to the dawning of a new day of freedom — though, like the Russian hacks and American money that twisted our Electoral college in his favor — what keeps our Speaker, and the wise awake at night: prudent anticipation of the desperate acts of a cornered animal — for this character’s art is to deal out only simplistic retribution, seeking the sympathy of uncomplicated thinkers.

Yet, there are no simple answers for addictions to gun violence, sexual harassment, ICE’s child abuse or swaging the greed of Opioid makers. Nor is Impeachment, if it leaves grounded in place, an electable Mike Pence riding the tattered coattails of misplaced sympathy.

Reckless abandonment deserting individuals to homelessness and national security to whimsy is Trump’s M. O. So beware, when trying to reason with the unreasonable, such incitement to violence can be contagious.

Nevertheless, the power of peaceful assembly cannot allow an unsound president, buffered by enchanted clones, to destroy both presidency and Republic — nor our true normal: America progresses forward.



Marcello Rollando

I am The Reasonable Voice: Communications consultant, political writer, Text/content contributor for democratic candidates, Zoom Coach and on-camera ad director